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O jornalista Glenn Greenwald denunciou ao mundo a humilhação a que foi submetido Sergio Moro com a intervenção direta de Bolsonaro na Polícia Federal. Ele disse, em seu Twitter: “hoje, Bolsonaro assumiu o controle da Polícia Federal”

O jornalista Glenn Greenwald denunciou ao mundo a humilhação a que foi submetido Sergio Moro com a intervenção direta de Bolsonaro na Polícia Federal. Ele disse: “no início deste ano, relatamos o espantoso escândalo no Brasil de fortes ligações entre a família Bolsonaro e as milícias, incluindo depósitos bizarros de membros paramilitares nos relatos de sua esposa e filho. Hoje, Bolsonaro assumiu o controle da Polícia Federal no Rio intervindo no órgão”

Veja o Twitter de Glenn Greenwald:

Glenn Greenwald


Earlier this year we reported the stunning scandal in Brazil of deep links between the Bolsonaro family & militias, including bizarre deposits by paramilitary members into the accounts of his wife & son. Today, Bolsonaro took control of the Federal Police in Rio investigating it. 

Glenn Greenwald


VIDEO: The Dramatic Scandal Swallowing the Bolsonaro Presidency and Which Just Drove an LGBT Congressman to Flee Brazil 

Glenn Greenwald


Earlier this year we reported the stunning scandal in Brazil of deep links between the Bolsonaro family & militias, including bizarre deposits by paramilitary members into the accounts of his wife & son. Today, Bolsonaro took control of the Federal Police in Rio investigating it. 

Glenn Greenwald


VIDEO: The Dramatic Scandal Swallowing the Bolsonaro Presidency and Which Just Drove an LGBT Congressman to Flee Brazil 

Glenn Greenwald


For years, Brazil’s Federal Police have been free of presidential interference to prevent its politicization. They report to Bolsonaro’s scandal-plagued Justice Minister Sergio Moro. He humiliated Moro today by firing the chief investigating the Bolsonaros 

Apuração do caso Queiroz ajudou a derrubar diretor da Polícia Federal no Rio – 16/08/2019 – Poder -…

Bolsonaro estava contrariado, embora caso não estivesse com o superintendente Saadi